Sunday 1 November 2015

The signs of Qiyamah

The signs of Qiyamah.....
- People speaking ill of others' ancestors
- Clothing that shows off most of the body
- No more stars in the sky
- People Disappearing
- Tall buildings
- Appearance of Imam Mahdi. ..
- Appearance of Dajjal...
- Descending of Prophet Isa (A.S.)...
- Appearance of Yajooj Majooj..
- The rising of the sun from the west after which the doors of forgiveness will be closed.
- The Dab'bat al-Ard will emerge from the ground & will mark all the true Muslims
- 40 days of fog.. that will kill all the true believers so that they do not have to experience the other signs.
- A huge fire..will cause destruction.
- Destruction of the Kabah.
- The writing in the Quran will vanish.
- The trumpet will be blown the 1st time & all animals .... & kafirs left will die & all mountains & buildings will crumble.
The 2nd time the trumpet will be blown all of Allah's creation .. will resurrect & meet on the plains of Arafat for their judgment.
- The sun will lower itself with the earth...

Send this to all Muslims on your contact  list. Remind them just as you would like to be reminded.

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