Saturday 26 December 2015

Vaping Is Haram

Vaping is haram, National Fatwa Council rules

Sepang – The National Fatwa Council has ruled that smoking electronic cigarettes or vaping is forbidden, says its chairman, Prof Emeritus Tan Sri Dr Abdul Shukor Husin.

He disclosed this after the Special Muzakarah (Conference) of the Fatwa Committee of the National Council for Islamic Religious Affairs in Malaysia here tonight.

He said the decision was made after taking into consideration all aspects, including from the point of view of syariah (Islamic law), medical and scientific which found electronic cigarettes were wasteful and harmful to health.

“Two papers in connection with the health and syariah aspects were presented today,” he added.

The muzakarah was also attended by state muftis, deputy muftis and members appointed by the Conference of Rulers.

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