Thursday 28 July 2016

Please Save Ayah

[Urgent Help - Sahar Noor Medical Fund]

A loving idea of having one whole family to celebrate Eidulfitri and university graduation in London together has turned into a nightmare.

Soon after my family arrived at Heathrow Airport, my father (Mohamad Sahar MHD Noor) suddenly collapsed and things changed since then. I panicked and depressed thinking what could happen to my father as he has no travel insurance. To make matters worse we couldn’t afford the hospital bills in the UK.

He was transferred into ICU and the doctor in charge urged to go for an operation. Despite the money issue, we know that the operation is crucial and need to be carried out immediately. He underwent right frontal external ventricular drain (EVD) to release his brain pressure and to allow the blood to come out from his brain.

During that time, he was given sedation, low blood pressure drug and antibiotics. He was suspected of have speaking disorder, unable to move his right body and suffered memory loss.

After 3 weeks, he could open both of his eyes and reacted to us when we talked to him but we are not sure whether he understood or it was just unconscious reflex.

A few days after that, we received news that my father’s employer agreed to give us an advance to undergo medical treatment in the UK. The advanced given meant so much to us, however after three weeks we were informed that the medical expense amount was capped at £30,000. We still can’t afford to cover the full cost since, at the time of writing; the cost to date has reached approximately £45,000.

Currently he is in Hyper Acute Stroke Unit (HASU) ward whereby he needed to go for therapy sessions, therefore the bills keep accumulating.

The doctor has permitted us to bring my father home with the condition that he should be on a stretcher or in a lying position at all times. He can’t sit for a long time and had a tracheostomy. He needs to be accompanied by a doctor and nurse on board as a precaution.

Currently we have discussed with Malaysia Airline (MAS), and they advised us to purchase few business class seats since that is the cheapest option available, and we are now still awaiting further feedback from the Airline.

My family and I are humbly asking for your kind prayers for his speedy recovery and would appreciate your financial support to cover his running medical expenses and travelling costs. Your sincere help means a lot to us.

Family Background
My name is Amirah Sahar, from Negeri Sembilan, Malaysia. I am currently a postgraduate research student at Brunel University, London.

My father, Mohamad Sahar MHD Noor is a loving father of four and also four grandchildren. He works as a chief clerk at Kolej Komuniti Teknologi Mara (KKTM), Negeri Sembilan, Malaysia.
My mother, Hawiyah Ahmad, is a technician at Jabatan Pengairan dan Saliran, Negeri Sembilan, Malaysia.

My eldest brother, Adhwa Sahar is married with three children, however he is about to start his new job after a long rehab from first stage leukaemia.

My second brother, Fadhli Sahar is recently unemployed due to the global market turmoil in the energy sector.

And finally my youngest sister, Atikah Sahar - a fresh graduate and currently seeking for any suitable job.

My father likes gardening and house cleaning. Despite all odds, like most parents he is very hardworking on striving for a better future for all his children. He is a loving husband, father and grandfather.

Our hope now is that he can be discharged soon so that we can continue his medical treatment back home in Malaysia.

Thank you for reading our desperate appeal.

We are humbly grateful for your heartfelt compassion and generous support.

May the AlMighty bless you and your family onwards and upwards. Ameen.

As we do not know the actual costs for my father, any surplus of this fundraising will be donated to charity so that others in-need can benefit as well.

For fellow Malaysians who like to donate, my bank account detail is as follows:

Name: Amirah Mohamad Sahar
ACCOUNT No: 1550 2331 5132
Reference: saveAyah

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